包头市昆区小学5年级(下) 英语同步微课堂 (9) Unit3-Fun Facts

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27



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Unit3-Fun Facts

Reading for knowledge

A Litter Island

In our daily life, so many people throw litter into the sea. It ends up in the Pacific Ocean. There is a big island of litter. There are plastic things, such as old toys, bottles, shoes and plastic bags. These waste things get together in the sea and they become an island on the water!

The litter island is now six times as big as England. It is getting bigger and bigger. These waste things are bad for fish and birds. It is bad for our health, too. Some kinds of litter can be used again. We should recycle cans, glass and paper.




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